We understand the death of a loved one can be an emotional time for the whole family. This is especially true if the deceased had not written a Will, if their Will fails to provide for those who depended upon them or if the intentions set out in their Will are unclear. This can sometimes lead to disputes over the interpretation of their wishes and even over the validity of the Will itself.

We can help you if you wish to challenge a Will, whether in your capacity as beneficiary or because you were dependent upon the deceased and have not been sufficiently provided for. We can also help if you find yourself, as a beneficiary of the Estate, defending a claim brought against it or if you are unhappy about the way an Estate is being administered.

We work closely with Executors and Trustees in advising on the complexities of their role from the beginning, minimising the risk of breaching their fiduciary duties and avoiding disagreements at a later date. If disputes do arise, we work to resolve them as constructively as possible through mediation and settlement discussions. If Court proceedings are required, we have the depth of experience in our team to gain a strong and positive outcome.

Our experienced team can assist on all aspects of contentious Trusts and Probate, including:

  • Contesting a Will (lack of capacity, lack of knowledge/approval, undue influence)
  • Fraudulent Wills
  • Invalid Wills (eg failure to properly execute)
  • Rectifying Wills and Trust Deeds
  • Applications to clarify the meaning of a Will (construction claims)
  • Financial provision for dependants under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975
  • Disputes concerning executors
  • Disputes about estate assets
  • Advice and guidance for trustees
  • Trustee actions for breach, negligence and restitution
  • Removal of executors or trustees
  • Applications for inventory and accounts
  • Acting as neutral Independent Administrators on disputed estates
  • Applications for Declarations of Presumed Death

Our experienced team will provide clear and dependable advice that is supportive and sensitive to what you wish to achieve.  

The team is led by members of the The Association of Contentious Trust and Probate Specialists (ACTAPS) who hold specialist qualifications as a result of their experience in this complex area of the law. The team also benefits from specialist expertise in our Wills, Probate, Tax and Trust and Agriculture and Estates teams.

What people say about us

‘Excellent legal knowledge coupled with great commercial approach.’

‘Legal knowledge, approachability, availability, responsiveness.’

‘Fantastic out of the box view from the team. Amazing work ethics and dedication.’

- The Legal 500

Get in touch

To contact us, please fill out this form and we will get back in touch as soon as possible. Your personal data will be processed in accordance with our privacy policy which can be found here.

Thank you for your enquiry. We will respond as soon as possible.


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