Our team regularly advises on a wide range of commercial arrangements, including:
- Agency agreements
- Conditions of sale and purchase for goods and services
- Confidentiality and exclusivity agreements
- Consumer contracts
- Contract reviews, risk analyses and audits identifying risk and minimising exposure
- Contractual joint ventures and collaborations including R&D agreements
- Contract variation agreements
- Digital and e-commerce trading terms
- Distribution and reseller agreements
- Employer/employee benefits services agreements
- Framework agreements
- Franchising agreements, agreements with rights holders and R&D collaborations
- Grant agreements
- Hire and leasing agreements (non-regulated)
- Hospitality agreements and catering contracts
- Introducer and commission agreements
- Logistics contracts
- Managed service contracts
- Manufacturing and supply agreements
- Merchandising contracts
- Outsourcing arrangements
- Procurement contracts
- Service provision contracts
- Sponsorship / naming rights agreements
- Transitional services agreements
- Warehousing agreements
- Website development contracts and use terms