1. The appeal is allowed and planning permission is granted for an outline planning application for mixed residential and business development, public open space, landscaping with detailed access arrangements on land between Station Road and Dudley Road, Honeybourne, Worcestershire in accordance with the terms of the application, Ref W/11/02531/OU, dated 11 November 2011, and the plans submitted with it, subject to the conditions listed at Annex A.
Application for costs
2. At the Inquiry an application for costs was made by Lioncourt Homes (Honeybourne) LLP: and E, J, M and H Westoby against Wychavon District Council. This application is the subject of a separate Decision.
Preliminary matters
3. The appeal site comprises some 4.6 hectares which is currently undeveloped and unused agricultural land. On its northern boundary the site adjoins the mainline railway linking Evesham and other settlements to the west, to London. Station Road runs along the western boundary of the site, with an existing field gate access positioned towards the north-west corner. A mature hedgerow runs along most of the western boundary of the site. Honeybourne Railway Station and a housing development surrounding the Station lie on the opposite side of Station Road.
4. To the south, the site adjoins residential properties facing onto Station Road, Dudley Road and Harvard Avenue. An existing access drive leading from Dudley Road and serving a garage parking area leads to the southern boundary of the site and the northern end of Harvard Avenue also adjoins the southern boundary. Open fields lie to the east. A high pressure gas pipeline runs across the site in a north east to south west direction.
5. The proposal is for outline planning permission with all matters reserved for later consideration, except for detailed access arrangements. Both parties agreed that the plans on which the proposal should be determined are as follows: Location Plan: 11-030/01; Proposed Site Access Drawings: 0349-011, 12 and 13 and Development Framework Plan: 11/030/DF01 Rev A.
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