1. The appeal is allowed and planning permission is granted for the erection of 28 dwellings and garaging, including demolition of 261 Main Street on land to the rear of, and including, 261 Main Street, Stanton under Bardon, Markfield, Leicestershire LE67 9TQ in accordance with the terms of the application, Ref 11/00582/FUL, dated 22 July 2011, subject to the conditions in the attached Schedule A.
Main Issue
2. The main issue is the effect of the proposal on the provision of housing within Stanton under Bardon, with particular regard to its effect on the Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council Local Development Framework (LDF) Core Strategy Spatial Vision.
3. The appeal site includes a 2 storey detached house fronting Main Street, stables and a grassed paddock. A landscape buffer separates the site from an area of public open space to the north and the site is bounded by woodland to the east and dwellings to the south and west. The curtilage of the house is within the settlement boundary of Stanton under Bardon and the grassed paddock is outside this boundary that is defined in the Hinckley and Bosworth Local Plan 2001.
4. The proposal would include the demolition of the existing house and the construction of 28 new dwellings, including 8 affordable units, in a mix of detached, semi-detached and terraced houses. The Council’s PlanningCommittee determined this planning application in June 2012, together with an outline planning application for a proposed development of 38 dwellings on land at the rear of 169 Main Street that is adjacent to, but outside the defined settlement boundary of Stanton under Bardon. The Officer Report to the Committee offered 4 alternative options for consideration and suggested that there is only capacity for one of the proposed residential developments within the village, but either of them would be acceptable. The Committee resolved to grant outline planning permission for the development at the rear of 169 Main Street and refuse planning permission for this appeal development on the grounds that it would result in a significant over provision of housing within Stanton under Bardon and be detrimental to the Spatial Vision of the Council’s Core Strategy.
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