Regardless of which firm they work for, trainees will be expected to undertake regular training courses to ensure they meet the standards required of them. Some of these courses are made compulsory by the SRA; trainees must undertake several modules during their training contract to show they are capable of the work they will undertake once qualified. However, there is the scope as a trainee to undertake much more varied courses that do not simply focus on legal knowledge. These courses are just as essential to becoming a well-rounded trainee with all the skills necessary to succeed as a qualified lawyer.
From personal experience, Howes Percival is keen to get trainees as involved with Personal Development courses as possible. Trainees are regularly invited to attend courses with all departments of the firm, to ensure they can experience areas beyond the department they are currently working with. The level of training put out varies amongst the different teams, but usually all members of the firm will be keen to get the trainees involved.
The pandemic has meant a shift towards online learning, which has had both positive and negative effects: on the plus side, the location or particular office of a trainee has become less important, as trainees will be able to dial into a meeting from their own desk, wherever that may be. This therefore enables trainees to join courses easily with minimal fuss. On the other hand, the social side of training courses has inevitably taken a hit – whilst it is possible to discuss the course that has just taken place over Zoom or other virtual meeting spaces, this is often not as beneficial as actually being in the room with the people you are training with to discuss the course in a greater depth.
Most firms will have some form of Learning Management System that has been put in place to ensure that all staff within the firm undertake the relevant Personal Development courses. It is therefore important that trainees make the time to use this system, and routinely check it over to see what courses and training are available to them.
Many of the courses with a scope beyond legal practice are absolutely crucial to forming an understanding of how to promote a successful workplace, and succeed beyond the legal work. An obvious example is IT training; without knowing how the computer systems work a trainee, or any member of staff, would be incapable of carrying out their work sufficiently. Equality and Diversity training is also very important for every individual, as it ensures that the firm is a diverse setting in which to work and that everyone is welcome. Following on from this, Bullying and Harassment training is vital to ensure that the work environment is a safe, beneficial one for everyone who works within the firm. These kind of courses ensure that everyone understands how the firm must operate in order to be a positive place to work.
Turning to courses specific to fee-earners in a legal firm, there are numerous skills that are required of a successful solicitor that go beyond legal knowledge. Business Development training can take many forms, and helps ensure that legal practitioners can network successfully in order to promote the firm and attract new clients. This extends to article writing skills – most successful firms regularly promote online content and articles, so a prosperous fee-earner must know what is needed to produce this content. Writing skills are not enough; a fee earner must know how to produce an article that will attract clients to the firm and assist those who read it online.
When starting a training contract the amount of different courses that need to be undertaken can seem daunting at first, but they are absolutely essential to ensuring that trainees finish their training contract with everything they need to work as a solicitor. Whether these courses are external or internal, virtual or in person, as a seminar or in a more interactive format, the time must be put in by trainees and all members of staff in order to get the most out of the training. A successful trainee cannot simply knuckle down and get on with the legal work; they must develop themselves personally to excel in the field.
To find out more about the Graduate Training Contracts offered at Howes Percival click here.