With effect from 15th February 2022, and in line with a Statement of Changes to the Immigration Rules HC1019 that was issued on 24th January 2022, the UK Health and Care Worker visa will now be opened up to overseas care workers, care assistants and home carers.
In terms of the update, foreign Care Workers and Home Carers will be eligible to be sponsored for a Health and Care Worker visa to work in the UK.
Related eligible job titles will include Care assistant, Care worker, Carer, Home care assistant, Home carer and Support worker (nursing home). It is important to note that whilst home carers will be eligible for a Health & Care Worker visa, they will only be able to be sponsored on the route if they are working for an organisation and not for private households and individuals.
To assist an applicant in getting a job offer, the requisite salary has been lowered to either £10.10 an hour or £20,480 per annum (whichever is highest), allowing employers in the sector to bring in workers on a lower salary. The cost for a care worker to apply for a Health and Care Worker visa will be £232 where a Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) is issued for three years or less, or £464 where a CoS is issued for more than three years. Nationals of certain European countries will also be eligible for an automatic reduction of £55 to the application fee.
For further information please contact Simon DeMaid at [javascript protected email address].
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